Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Explosion! and the "Big Salad"

Yeah, I think someone crammed a bunch of clothes, dishes, toys and anything and everything else you would find in our house into a giant bomb...and proceeded to ignite it in every room of our house.

I'm completely serious. Things are a disaster around here tonight. It was perfectly clean yesterday, how could this all happen in less than twenty four hours? I'm not even going to lie and tell you that I'm about to clean it all up right now either. And probably not tomorrow. I'm simply running on fumes these past few days and just don't have the energy.

Right now the plan is to take all three kids down to PawPaw Gamma's (that's how Evan refers to my parents' house) and leave Kevin at home. You know. Because he needs some time to himself. Right. Can you hear my eyes rolling around in my head yet? He did say he was willing to clean the house though, so I'm willing to let him have his "alone time".

Anyone remember that Seinfeld episode where George buys Elaine the "big salad" and his girlfriend ends up handing her the salad and accepting the thank you for it? George ended up getting upset because he wanted Elaine to know that he actually purchased it, and not his girlfriend. This happened to me tonight, not with a salad though.

I swear, most things in my life can be referenced to a Seinfeld episode. My dad was rushed to the hospital Sunday night because he thought he was having a stroke. Turns out he was having a diabetic attack (he was not previously diagnosed with diabetes). Those of you that happen to know my dad also know that he l.o.v.e.s his sweets, so this is going to be an extremely difficult adjustment for him. My brother and I went to the store on Tuesday night to pick up some healthy(er) snacks that would fit into his new lifestyle and diet. I ended up spending a hundred dollars on food and also spent another fifty on books and cookbooks at Borders today.

On Tuesday night, my brother called my dad and agreed to go shopping with my parents to help them plan out some meals and get some dietary staples. They made the plans for tonight, so my brother left the house around 3:30 this afternoon. Before leaving, he had also stopped by a bookstore and picked up a cookbook.

I fixed up a really cute gift basket with all of the goodies I had purchased along with the book my brother bought him. Jared said he wanted to take everything down there tonight, which is fine...but I was the one who bought 95% of the stuff it contained and he is going to get all of the praise for it. Hmph. I kind of do and don't care. I did it for my dad and that's all that really matters, but I would have loved to be able to see him rifle through it all and get excited. I secretly want him to know that I bought him the "big salad" and put most of the effort into it. Wow, I probably sound like a major brat. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Best and Worst of Both Ends

I would just like to inform you that Evan has been asking to pee in the potty a few times a day and always manages to squeeze something out. This has been going on for about 2 weeks. Well today #2 made it's first appearance. I'll spare you the details, but we are super proud of our big boy!

Here's a poop funny for of Evan's "memorable moments" last week from daycare read as follows: Evan was so cute today. He made us laugh so much! When we asked the kids to get in a line to go outside and play, Evan said "I can't, I'm pooping!" He is so funny.

Now to change the gears from potty talk, Brennan and Carter have had some not so fun times here lately. The poor little guys, I just put two and two together a few days ago when I had a strong suspicion the 24/7 fussiness and crying was due to reflux. We ended up calling the after hours doctor line and the nurse said that's what it sounded like to her too and to make an appointment with our doctor the next day.

I called our pediatrician's office the following morning and talked to a really crabby nurse who claimed I wasn't burping my babies enough. Yeah...whatever! I was so mad, I couldn't even respond to her and promptly called Kevin at work. He called the office and ended up talking to the same nurse and demanded to have an appointment the same day. We ended up getting in :)

Our pediatrician wasn't in, but we were able to see Dr. C, who we've seen a few times before. He believes whole heartedly that they have reflux (poor Brennan's outfit was soaked by the time he made it into the exam room. Our doctor doesn't usually like to give medicine until other options have been ruled out, so knowing this, Dr. C had us switch to a name brand version of the generic formula we were supplementing with. He gave us a whole flat of samples and one can of a ready to feed version in a different variety to have on hand if the first one didn't work out.

We ended up busting out the second kind tonight. The boys were still protesting the name brand version. It is really weird to watch. The kick their feet to get their tiny backs to arch while pulling away from the bottle nipple. They also have a look on their face like you are trying to force feed them poison or something. Oh, and how can I forget the (what seems like) gallons of spit-up?

This kind has rice added into the mixture, which turns to a solid and sits in their bellies a lot better than just pure liquid. They seemed to have tolerated this one a lot better, although they did do the arched back thing a few times during the feeding.

I guess we'll use the rest of that tonight and also some of the breast milk that's in the refrigerator (they don't have too much of problem with that either) and head to the store for more of the second formula. In the mean time, I'm going to pump and nurse my booty off to try and up my supply and get myself closer to keeping up with what they are consuming.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Belated 2 Months

The boys had their two month check-up on Monday. I guess I have little peanuts; Carter weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces (10th percentile) and Brennan weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces (25th percentile). They both got three shots and one oral immunization.

That afternoon was pure bliss as they both slept for about five hours straight. I took some much needed "me time" and spent it goofing off online, watching tv, and sleeping. However, after those five hours elapsed was pure hell. They both woke up screaming their tiny peanut heads off and also had raging fevers. I eventually called Kevin and begged him to blow off the last half hour of work - I needed reinforcements.

Other than that, there's not too much exciting news going on around here. Same stuff, different day.

I took Evan to an independent league baseball game last week. The River City Rascals stadium is only about ten minutes from us, so I decided to try a game out with Ev, we took Uncle Jared with us too. Daddy stayed home to man the zoo.

The first half of the game was interesting, Evan didn't really care to watch even though we had front row seats directly behind home plate. He decided he absolutely needed a small bouncy ball from one of those little quarter machines. That lasted about two innings until it bounced under the row of seats and rolled into the gutter system. That was the end of that.

I then decided to take him up to the concession stand to get something to eat...and get his mind off of that stupid bouncy ball. On our way up the stairs a fell ball literally fell right in front of him. I remember him saying "Oooh, BALL!" as he bent down to pick it up.

The middle portion of the game was alright. We somehow managed to get Evan to watch a little bit and cheer the Rascals on. But soon it started to get late and everything from there was down hill, except the part where he was blissfully eating his chocolate Dippin' Dots of course.

The nice lady behind us apparently thought Uncle Jared was Daddy. She was pointing his direction and saying, "Look, Daddy wants you." Evan looked over and saw someone in the distance who had facial hair like Kevin. He was so tired he was convinced this was his Dad and didn't understand why he wasn't coming over to sit with us. The tears started flowing and the screams of "DADDY! DADDY!" echoed through the stadium. It was time to go.

I don't think we'll be going to a game again for a long time, but Kevin and the grandparents all thought it was really neat that Evan got a foul ball at his first baseball game.