Looks like it's back to the Paleo diet for me. And honestly I'm kind of feeling good about it. Workouts feel a gazillion times harder when I'm eating any other way, even with Weight Watchers. I always feel like I'm going to pass out in the middle of my tabata exercise regimes.
So this week I decided to experiment and eat Paleo for breakfast and for my pre-workout snacks. It worked! Don't get me wrong, I still have a pretty hard time (and if I didn't that means it'd be time to make it harder anyway.) But, I make it through them without going hypoglycemic and without feeling like I'm going to drop to the ground.
Today we started off with 10 body weight squats, then 8 push ups, and then again...10 body weight squats, 8 push ups. From there we did a few dead lift squats with a 20 lb ball for practice and moved up to dead lifting with a bar and weights. I have no idea what weight I ended up with by the end, but it was a lot...maybe around 85-90 lbs would be my guess. From there we moved into the workout portion: a lap around the entire building plaza, and back inside to do 10 dead lifts with a bar and weights (around 65-70 lbs?), and then 15 sit ups - FIVE times and in under 20 minutes. I finished with about 45 seconds to spare, but was seriously wondering if I'd finish within the time constraint.
Later in the day I took all three boys for an afternoon walk. Pushing them around is no joke. Evan's 30 lbs, the babies are each over 20 lbs, and then the weight of the stroller which is nearly 40 lbs. Add to that the fact that Evan likes to "go fast" and frequently yells out for you to (and doesn't stop yelling until you at the very least start to jog), and this mama was extremely tired at the end of the day. I hope I can stick it out with the diet this week, it'll be challenging to say the least. I have to bring in a stupid food journal on Tuesday to my next session too. It sucks, but there's a reason for it, and that reason makes it work so I can't argue. Too bad, the Rib America fest was calling my name. Maybe next year ;)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Them Boys Got Skillz
Brennan is a master at the "How big is Brennan? SOOO BIG!!" game and Carter has perfected the patty cakin' part of Patty Cake - and he l-0-v-e loves my family's version where we "toss 'em in the pan" while letting them fall backwards.
Evan put on an impromptu concert for us tonight. He sang the entire ABC's...twice. Then he sang a moving rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and ended with a rousing version of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Each song ended with him clapping for himself, so cute.
Yesterday night before it got dark Evan decided he wanted to go outside and play. I really didn't care that he wasn't wearing pants, just a shirt, diaper, and his sandals. However, a problem arose when he decided Daddy should be the one to go outside and play with him. Yeah, Daddy had already begun the winding down portion of his evening and he also was a member of the no pants club.
The following conversation took place:
Evan: Dad, I want to run outside!
Dad: I can't go with you, I don't have any pants on...
Evan (in a matter-of-fact tone): Well neither do I!
I looked at Kevin and immediately started to crack up. This kid is really starting to say some hilarious things. Just this morning he told me that he wanted a popsicle. I told him we'd have to eat our lunch first and then we might think about it. He then informed me that he wanted one of the cupcakes that were sitting on the counter. I again reminded him that we'd need to eat a good lunch before we have any sweets.
He comes back at me with this: "But Mommy, we eat the popsicle and cupcake now and then we can have a good lunch tomorrow!" He had that "sweet as pie, aren't I a genius for thinking of this great idea" look on his face. Clearly very impressed with his own brainstorming abilities. Where does he get this stuff?
Evan put on an impromptu concert for us tonight. He sang the entire ABC's...twice. Then he sang a moving rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and ended with a rousing version of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Each song ended with him clapping for himself, so cute.
Yesterday night before it got dark Evan decided he wanted to go outside and play. I really didn't care that he wasn't wearing pants, just a shirt, diaper, and his sandals. However, a problem arose when he decided Daddy should be the one to go outside and play with him. Yeah, Daddy had already begun the winding down portion of his evening and he also was a member of the no pants club.
The following conversation took place:
Evan: Dad, I want to run outside!
Dad: I can't go with you, I don't have any pants on...
Evan (in a matter-of-fact tone): Well neither do I!
I looked at Kevin and immediately started to crack up. This kid is really starting to say some hilarious things. Just this morning he told me that he wanted a popsicle. I told him we'd have to eat our lunch first and then we might think about it. He then informed me that he wanted one of the cupcakes that were sitting on the counter. I again reminded him that we'd need to eat a good lunch before we have any sweets.
He comes back at me with this: "But Mommy, we eat the popsicle and cupcake now and then we can have a good lunch tomorrow!" He had that "sweet as pie, aren't I a genius for thinking of this great idea" look on his face. Clearly very impressed with his own brainstorming abilities. Where does he get this stuff?
For Justice
Today Justice's family said their last goodbyes as they laid him to rest. The girls from the Moms of Multiples board decided to pay our tribute by wearing blue and blowing bubbles up to heaven. We blew our bubbles at the same time his service started and so did many others. It helped us all to feel a part of this day and to be there for our friend, Tiffany and her family.
Wearing our blue

Evan playing with JW

Bubbles floating to heaven
Wearing our blue
Evan playing with JW
Bubbles floating to heaven
Monday, May 24, 2010
The boys went "swimming" in Pawpaw Gammaw's pool - okay, so it's a hot tub. It's getting quite cramped with the three of them in there now, but Evan did good with sharing the space. And he's still using the floatie! The babies really loved it and Brennan actually got in this time and stayed in for quite a while.
I was going to add a video, but since I've never done that on blogger before, I'm having a difficult time saving it to my computer to upload. It was taken on my cell phone. Hmmm...
I was going to add a video, but since I've never done that on blogger before, I'm having a difficult time saving it to my computer to upload. It was taken on my cell phone. Hmmm...
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Small Answered Prayer
Last night after one of my many break downs I decided to look for an inspirational quote that would bring me peace and solace. I came across this quote that really spoke to me in that moment and I immediately felt a calmness wash over me:
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran
I thought that maybe there was a slight chance that Tiffany, Justice's mommy, might see it and that it might bring her to a special place as well, if even for a moment, so I posted it to my facebook status. I checked her blog this morning and lo and behold the first entry since the post detailing his unfortunate departure was this very same quote.
Perhaps she found it on her own, perhaps she saw my facebook page, but it brings me a level of comfort knowing we found something special within the same exact words in such a dark time.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran
I thought that maybe there was a slight chance that Tiffany, Justice's mommy, might see it and that it might bring her to a special place as well, if even for a moment, so I posted it to my facebook status. I checked her blog this morning and lo and behold the first entry since the post detailing his unfortunate departure was this very same quote.
Perhaps she found it on her own, perhaps she saw my facebook page, but it brings me a level of comfort knowing we found something special within the same exact words in such a dark time.
A Heavy Heart
Yesterday a dear friend of mine lost her sweet 20 month old boy, Justice. He was born at just 27 weeks and had some lung issues since his birth. A few days ago he developed cold like symptoms and was eventually admitted to the hospital. Once there he was placed into a coma and placed on a ventilator. Sweet JW had kind of been there done that when it came to the whole hospital scene, and pulled through each time, but this last one was just far too challenging for him.
His mother, Tiffany, seemed in good spirits earlier in the day, all things considered. Not one of us from the online forum we all belong too knew that things had begun to take a turn for the worse. After word got to us all that he had passed we sat with tears streaming down our faces, blankly starring at our computer screens - it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly. The doctors had told her there was nothing more they could do for him and that she should simply hold him.
This is the part I struggle with the most. Can you imagine living through and surviving those words? On one side I'd be thankful to surround my baby in my arms and love for his last moments on this earth, but on the other side I would know that this was it. The beginning of the end. All I can think of is that you would just have to be present in the moment, tell him how much you love him and will always love him and be there for him, while the world crashed down around you.
Sadly, none of her family was there with her in his final moments. She sat completely alone after he passed. It just breaks my heart in every way possible, and I send her all of my love, hugs, support, and sympathy.
The message board we belong to means a great deal to everyone who is a member. We have such a great loving support network that is pretty impenetrable. You mess with one of our MoMs and you are sure to pay the price. On the flip side, when one of us grieves, we all grieve and pull together for one another.
Literally within hours of the tragic news a fund had been set up. Within minutes that fund had over $500 in it. I have never been so saddened and proud to call myself a friend to this wonderful group of ladies.
Thank you MoMfia girls, I don't know where I'd be without each and every one of you! Sweet little Justice, may your wings carry and protect us all.
His mother, Tiffany, seemed in good spirits earlier in the day, all things considered. Not one of us from the online forum we all belong too knew that things had begun to take a turn for the worse. After word got to us all that he had passed we sat with tears streaming down our faces, blankly starring at our computer screens - it all happened so quickly and unexpectedly. The doctors had told her there was nothing more they could do for him and that she should simply hold him.
This is the part I struggle with the most. Can you imagine living through and surviving those words? On one side I'd be thankful to surround my baby in my arms and love for his last moments on this earth, but on the other side I would know that this was it. The beginning of the end. All I can think of is that you would just have to be present in the moment, tell him how much you love him and will always love him and be there for him, while the world crashed down around you.
Sadly, none of her family was there with her in his final moments. She sat completely alone after he passed. It just breaks my heart in every way possible, and I send her all of my love, hugs, support, and sympathy.
The message board we belong to means a great deal to everyone who is a member. We have such a great loving support network that is pretty impenetrable. You mess with one of our MoMs and you are sure to pay the price. On the flip side, when one of us grieves, we all grieve and pull together for one another.
Literally within hours of the tragic news a fund had been set up. Within minutes that fund had over $500 in it. I have never been so saddened and proud to call myself a friend to this wonderful group of ladies.
Thank you MoMfia girls, I don't know where I'd be without each and every one of you! Sweet little Justice, may your wings carry and protect us all.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I Forgot To Mention
we sent the boys' DNA off to have evaluated by a lab so that we would know for sure if the boys were identical or not. Several medical professionals had told us it would be beneficial to know, so we bit the bullet and paid for it out of pocket.
We got the results last Friday: monozygotic; commonly referred to as identical :)
We got the results last Friday: monozygotic; commonly referred to as identical :)
The boys went in yesterday to get their tubes. We woke up at five in the morning, which is completely unheard of for both me and Kevin. To say we were tired was an understatement.
Evan had his school's spring concert the night before. Pawpaw Gammaw were there and so was Nonna. I'm not sure if it was the age he's at right now or the pants we put him in (he didn't like them), but when the curtains opened up and the music started playing all Evan could do was stand there and cry...through both songs. I didn't even bother with taking pictures, besides all I had with me was my cell phone. There's another story there, but for another day.
After the concert Evan went home with Nonna so we wouldn't have to wake him up and drop him off so early. He stayed that night and also last night and did really well at drop off this morning. From what I hear - no tears, absolutely unheard of for him.
Anyway, check-in at the surgery center was at 6:30 a.m. we got there and all got our bracelets on. I was assigned to Brennan and Kevin's designated baby for the day was Carter. We found out there was one patient ahead of us, but they were running on time.
Brennan was up first at 8 o'clock. It seemed like just as soon as the nurses whisked him away that the doctor was coming back into our room telling us he was out of surgery and in his recovery room. Everything was perfect with his surgery; they did find some fluid behind both eardrums, and once he came-to and gave the nurses a few rounds of good vital signs he was brought back and placed into mama's arms.
We were told all of these stories, okay nightmares, about what happens to kids when they come out of anesthesia. Most kids will scream and cry and thrash about, confused and angry about what had just taken place. Brennan didn't do any of this. He was brought back with a bottle of juice (his first time having it) and was happily sucking away, even cracking smiles behind it. No crying, no whining, and no wiggling about. He was absolutely wonderful; you wouldn't have even guessed he had just been in surgery.
A few minutes went by while they cleaned and prepped the operating room for Carter. They soon came back and got him, and daddy and I were focusing all of our energy on keeping Brennan occupied. It felt like it was taking a little longer for a doctor or nurse to come tell us he was out and doing okay, so immediately my mind started to suspect something was up. I kept myself calm and a few minutes later the doctor walked into our room. Surgery was successful, but they did run into a slight hiccup.
It appeared that Carter was just starting to get over an ear infection, which we didn't even know about, and that his right ear had some fluid in it and the doctor had a little trouble getting the incision in the eardrum, as it had a "gritty" texture to it, which caused it to bleed a little. Regardless, everything went fine and the surgery was a success. When they brought him back to our room he already had fluid draining from his ear. Poor thing.
Carter's recovery was a different experience than his brother's, but it wasn't terrible. And nothing like what I had chalked it up to being like in my head. He was a little fussy and would occasionally break out into mild hysterics, but he did so well overall. Having the bottle of juice really helped get his mind sidetracked.
We were discharged just three hours after checking in at 9:30 a.m. The boys instantly fell asleep and remained that way as we approached our house. I convinced Kevin to drive around so we drove, and drove, and drove because we knew once we stopped there would be no getting them back to sleep; it was best to just keep going.
After getting home and waking up, it seemed like any other day with the boys. Crazy busy and with it's ups and downs, but definitely nothing but normal - they were completely back to themselves making for one happy mama :)
Evan had his school's spring concert the night before. Pawpaw Gammaw were there and so was Nonna. I'm not sure if it was the age he's at right now or the pants we put him in (he didn't like them), but when the curtains opened up and the music started playing all Evan could do was stand there and cry...through both songs. I didn't even bother with taking pictures, besides all I had with me was my cell phone. There's another story there, but for another day.
After the concert Evan went home with Nonna so we wouldn't have to wake him up and drop him off so early. He stayed that night and also last night and did really well at drop off this morning. From what I hear - no tears, absolutely unheard of for him.
Anyway, check-in at the surgery center was at 6:30 a.m. we got there and all got our bracelets on. I was assigned to Brennan and Kevin's designated baby for the day was Carter. We found out there was one patient ahead of us, but they were running on time.
Brennan was up first at 8 o'clock. It seemed like just as soon as the nurses whisked him away that the doctor was coming back into our room telling us he was out of surgery and in his recovery room. Everything was perfect with his surgery; they did find some fluid behind both eardrums, and once he came-to and gave the nurses a few rounds of good vital signs he was brought back and placed into mama's arms.
We were told all of these stories, okay nightmares, about what happens to kids when they come out of anesthesia. Most kids will scream and cry and thrash about, confused and angry about what had just taken place. Brennan didn't do any of this. He was brought back with a bottle of juice (his first time having it) and was happily sucking away, even cracking smiles behind it. No crying, no whining, and no wiggling about. He was absolutely wonderful; you wouldn't have even guessed he had just been in surgery.
A few minutes went by while they cleaned and prepped the operating room for Carter. They soon came back and got him, and daddy and I were focusing all of our energy on keeping Brennan occupied. It felt like it was taking a little longer for a doctor or nurse to come tell us he was out and doing okay, so immediately my mind started to suspect something was up. I kept myself calm and a few minutes later the doctor walked into our room. Surgery was successful, but they did run into a slight hiccup.
It appeared that Carter was just starting to get over an ear infection, which we didn't even know about, and that his right ear had some fluid in it and the doctor had a little trouble getting the incision in the eardrum, as it had a "gritty" texture to it, which caused it to bleed a little. Regardless, everything went fine and the surgery was a success. When they brought him back to our room he already had fluid draining from his ear. Poor thing.
Carter's recovery was a different experience than his brother's, but it wasn't terrible. And nothing like what I had chalked it up to being like in my head. He was a little fussy and would occasionally break out into mild hysterics, but he did so well overall. Having the bottle of juice really helped get his mind sidetracked.
We were discharged just three hours after checking in at 9:30 a.m. The boys instantly fell asleep and remained that way as we approached our house. I convinced Kevin to drive around so we drove, and drove, and drove because we knew once we stopped there would be no getting them back to sleep; it was best to just keep going.
After getting home and waking up, it seemed like any other day with the boys. Crazy busy and with it's ups and downs, but definitely nothing but normal - they were completely back to themselves making for one happy mama :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Toys
I noticed the boys were showing more willingness to make attempts at walking unassisted, so I went downstairs to get some of Evan's old walking toys. While I was digging through the corner that contained the numerous rubbermaid containers of toys and baby stuff I came across Evan's old tents and tunnels. I grabbed them up and dusted them off; I suspected all three of the boys would be excited to see them. They were! Evan jumped right into them and Brennan and Carter followed immediately after.
In my eyes these things are worth a million dollars, easily. It is the one place that all three can touch, interact, and play without Evan screaming bloody murder. They all get along great, provided they are all physically in the tents and tunnels. If one little toe is on the outside, they are no longer on protected ground and the treaty has been broken - it's an all out war, usually consisting of Evan wailing that one of the babies is "hurting" him as he pushes on their head or chest and knocks them over.
I didn't get any pictures of Evan, he was happily playing with other baby toys at the moment...
Brennan, he has the most wonderful smile and dimples, even behind that paci:

Carter, he's been my cuddle bug lately (probably due to teething):
Brothers and best friends. Carter on the left, Brennan on the right:
In my eyes these things are worth a million dollars, easily. It is the one place that all three can touch, interact, and play without Evan screaming bloody murder. They all get along great, provided they are all physically in the tents and tunnels. If one little toe is on the outside, they are no longer on protected ground and the treaty has been broken - it's an all out war, usually consisting of Evan wailing that one of the babies is "hurting" him as he pushes on their head or chest and knocks them over.
I didn't get any pictures of Evan, he was happily playing with other baby toys at the moment...
Brennan, he has the most wonderful smile and dimples, even behind that paci:
Carter, he's been my cuddle bug lately (probably due to teething):
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Yeah, so today is supposed to be Mother's Day...and it turned out fan-freakin-tastic. Yesterday we got everyone up at 6 a.m. so that we could all be ready and out of the door by 6:50 and in the QT parking lot to meet my parents, brother, and grandma. We were heading out to Kansas City for my brother's graduation. Did I mention we have a doctor in the family now? No? Well, guess what? We have a doctor in the family now ;) He's not a physician or anything, but he is a Doctor of Pharmacology and he already has a job waiting for him making WELL over 100k per year working in the Pharmacy at a Kansas City area Wal-Mart. I'm sure it will be nice to be single and making that kind of dough. Do you think there's any chance that we can become his new favorite charity?
Anyway, back to the story. All three boys did great on the trip out there, through the graduation ceremony, and even at the fancy restaurant we went to have dinner and celebrate at. I had some of the best wine I've ever had and literally was feeling tipsy after just one glass...my mother was loaded off of her butt because she pretty much had half of the bottle, possibly more.
That evening we took the boys swimming in the hotel pool. It was very nicely laid out. They had a hot tub, which we did not get to enjoy, a separate kids pool that was maybe 3 ft deep and then another separate pool for the big "kids". The kiddie pool was a tad cold, but Evan got in and went right into having a good time. He actually used the pool floatie I bought him, which I could not believe considering last year he wouldn't let you get within five feet of him with one of those things. Best dollar I ever spent - he had so much fun. I also bought the boys some basic baby floaties to sit in. Carter got in first and we were expecting a reaction but got none. We thought for sure he'd have a problem with the water temperature, but sure enough, he was fine with it. He stayed in almost as long as Evan, who we had to drag out of the pool when his lips changed color to a lovely shade of blue.
Brennan? Not a fan. Upon dipping his big toe in, he immediately went into hysterics. We tried to put his whole body in and let him warm up to the idea, but he wanted no part of it. Out he came and we tried at least once or twice more to get him into the pool for some fun.
It was at this point the jinx was laid on us. Mom, Dad, and Grandma all reached a consensus that the boys should be great sleepers that night. Brennan and Carter, always out to prove you wrong, apparently caught wind of the news and in true twin fashion devised an evil plan in their secret twin language. They went down in their pack 'n plays fine. There were a few times I woke up to place a paci in a mouth or two, but they were doing pretty good all things considered.
I remember waking up at 2:30 a.m. to one of them screaming yet again. Operation: Sleepless in Kansas City was officially in progress. That screaming must have been in secret twinspeak and the official call to action. With one single cry the other half woke up and starting mimicking his brother. Kevin and I both grabbed a baby and tried our best to soothe them. Our efforts were fruitless and we gave in bringing them into bed with us.
I feel it is important to note that our bed was a standard sized double bed. Not a queen. Not a king. A standard sized double bed. Yes, you did the math correctly - that's FOUR human beings in one small amount of square footage all trying to steak claim to a comfortable enough space to catch some sleep.
We ended up getting up and down several more times that night equalling one tired mom and one tired dad...and one tired Uncle Nate who was (alone) in the other double bed in our room. I vaguely remembering trying to be funny at 4 a.m. and halfheartedly "threatening" to throw them over the balcony.
At 5:30 Kevin had had enough of a bad situation. He was somehow able to convince his baby (Carter) to throw in the towel and fall asleep. My baby (Brennan) had no intention of waving the white flag of surrender. While I was in the throws of a baby thrashing about and screaming at the top of his lungs while in my arms in bed, Kevin told me to leave and take the baby to the living room portion of our suite. He informed me that I could sleep on the couch while the baby roamed around and played. Yeah, because that's safe! It had a separate door and everything, thank God, but was most definitely not baby proofed. I was obviously up for the day at that point. I figure I probably got around 4 hours of broken sleep that night.
I guess it was about that time that I realized today was Mother's Day and it was off to a pretty shitty start. It didn't get any better...Evan almost got lost in the hallway after he followed me out of Mom and Dad's room without my knowledge. I went into our room and shut the door behind me, meanwhile my 2 year old was wandering around nearly in tears wondering where the hell his mommy went.
Carter cried for an hour in the car on the drive home before finally falling asleep. After we got back into town we went straight to the In-Law's to give Nonna her holiday time. We were exhausted, but me even more so since Kevin at least got a little extra sleep. I didn't even get a card today. Oh well. I know my boys love me and that I do the best I can with them and that's all any of us can ask for.
It was just another typical day for me, nothing special and just a small step away from being a slightly controlled, extremely chaotic, borderline disaster. Seems about right.
Anyway, back to the story. All three boys did great on the trip out there, through the graduation ceremony, and even at the fancy restaurant we went to have dinner and celebrate at. I had some of the best wine I've ever had and literally was feeling tipsy after just one glass...my mother was loaded off of her butt because she pretty much had half of the bottle, possibly more.
That evening we took the boys swimming in the hotel pool. It was very nicely laid out. They had a hot tub, which we did not get to enjoy, a separate kids pool that was maybe 3 ft deep and then another separate pool for the big "kids". The kiddie pool was a tad cold, but Evan got in and went right into having a good time. He actually used the pool floatie I bought him, which I could not believe considering last year he wouldn't let you get within five feet of him with one of those things. Best dollar I ever spent - he had so much fun. I also bought the boys some basic baby floaties to sit in. Carter got in first and we were expecting a reaction but got none. We thought for sure he'd have a problem with the water temperature, but sure enough, he was fine with it. He stayed in almost as long as Evan, who we had to drag out of the pool when his lips changed color to a lovely shade of blue.
Brennan? Not a fan. Upon dipping his big toe in, he immediately went into hysterics. We tried to put his whole body in and let him warm up to the idea, but he wanted no part of it. Out he came and we tried at least once or twice more to get him into the pool for some fun.
It was at this point the jinx was laid on us. Mom, Dad, and Grandma all reached a consensus that the boys should be great sleepers that night. Brennan and Carter, always out to prove you wrong, apparently caught wind of the news and in true twin fashion devised an evil plan in their secret twin language. They went down in their pack 'n plays fine. There were a few times I woke up to place a paci in a mouth or two, but they were doing pretty good all things considered.
I remember waking up at 2:30 a.m. to one of them screaming yet again. Operation: Sleepless in Kansas City was officially in progress. That screaming must have been in secret twinspeak and the official call to action. With one single cry the other half woke up and starting mimicking his brother. Kevin and I both grabbed a baby and tried our best to soothe them. Our efforts were fruitless and we gave in bringing them into bed with us.
I feel it is important to note that our bed was a standard sized double bed. Not a queen. Not a king. A standard sized double bed. Yes, you did the math correctly - that's FOUR human beings in one small amount of square footage all trying to steak claim to a comfortable enough space to catch some sleep.
We ended up getting up and down several more times that night equalling one tired mom and one tired dad...and one tired Uncle Nate who was (alone) in the other double bed in our room. I vaguely remembering trying to be funny at 4 a.m. and halfheartedly "threatening" to throw them over the balcony.
At 5:30 Kevin had had enough of a bad situation. He was somehow able to convince his baby (Carter) to throw in the towel and fall asleep. My baby (Brennan) had no intention of waving the white flag of surrender. While I was in the throws of a baby thrashing about and screaming at the top of his lungs while in my arms in bed, Kevin told me to leave and take the baby to the living room portion of our suite. He informed me that I could sleep on the couch while the baby roamed around and played. Yeah, because that's safe! It had a separate door and everything, thank God, but was most definitely not baby proofed. I was obviously up for the day at that point. I figure I probably got around 4 hours of broken sleep that night.
I guess it was about that time that I realized today was Mother's Day and it was off to a pretty shitty start. It didn't get any better...Evan almost got lost in the hallway after he followed me out of Mom and Dad's room without my knowledge. I went into our room and shut the door behind me, meanwhile my 2 year old was wandering around nearly in tears wondering where the hell his mommy went.
Carter cried for an hour in the car on the drive home before finally falling asleep. After we got back into town we went straight to the In-Law's to give Nonna her holiday time. We were exhausted, but me even more so since Kevin at least got a little extra sleep. I didn't even get a card today. Oh well. I know my boys love me and that I do the best I can with them and that's all any of us can ask for.
It was just another typical day for me, nothing special and just a small step away from being a slightly controlled, extremely chaotic, borderline disaster. Seems about right.
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