Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quick Update

I had another appointment yesterday and overall things are well. Babies look great and are getting bigger. My belly is measuring at 30 weeks (I'm really only 22) and apparently I'm not doing so good on the 24 pounds in 24 weeeks goal. I am up a total of *one* pound from when I came in for my first appointment back in December. My doctor looks at things a little differently though since I lost around 8 or so pounds in the beginning, and points out that in her eyes I have gained about 9 pounds total so far (getting me back to a little over my previous weight).

The past week I had been experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions and didn't really think too much of it. I guess I am in need of some more "twins" education, as I got an ever so slight lecture from the doc about how I am a high risk patient and shouldn't take things like this lightly. She went on to explain that pre-term labor does not have to feel like real labor, you know the screaming in pain, huffing and puffing part, and can feel like regular old BH contractions. So, as of now I'm supposed to start keeping track of them - any more than six per hour and I am to lay down with a glass of ice water in hopes they stop. If they don't then I get to make a trip up to Labor & Deliver to get checked out. She also wants me to start taking things a little more easy than I have been. I have to admit, I've kind of been pushing myself to my limits lately.

Dr. K went on to tell me that she's sure I'll get to know the L&D nurses really well because most MoMs end up having to get checked out at least a few times before they actually deliver. Gee, I can't wait. :/

We are checking into getting Evan in daycare full-time so I can actually have a break when I need one and not have to worry about finding someone to watch him on days he isn't enrolled, etc. Things are getting more and more real by the day.

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