Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I don't have a whole lot to say. Yesterday was another routine check-up. Both boys look great, still breech. I'm officially a beached whale, measuring in at 42 weeks already! Dr. K told me it was time to schedule my c-section (I'm still hoping these boys decide to cooperate and turn south...) and that she'd have Nurse Terry call me when she gets it set up with the hospital. I received a call back before I even made it home.

It looks like their birthday will be July 6th, unless they have other plans. Surgery is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Please pray that I don't freak out on the poor nurse and doctor like I did a few years ago at my spinal tap. I told her the odds were pretty high that she'd have to give me something to calm me down beforehand.

This past weekend we traded in our Honda Pilot for a Honda Odyssey. I never thought I'd be driving a mini van, but honestly it is already so much easier - even with just one kiddo. It has a ton of cool features our old vehicle didn't, so that's kind of exciting, right? Okay probably not, but it does take the edge off of the "holy crap, I drive a mini van" embarrassment.

Kevin told me it was an early birthday (which by the way is tomorrow) present. Thanks, babe. I feel it is important to note that last bit there was completely sarcastic - definitely NOT what I wanted as a "gift". Good try though, Kev. I'll be expecting my beautifully wrapped package with gigantic bow on my pillow upon awakening ;) And it had better be good, you owe me! Kidding of course, I'm not really in the celebrating mood lately, more like the "someone put me out of my misery" mood...just really uncomfortable. The swelling has started too, super fun! But hey, on the brighter side, I'll take any excuse to eat an extra piece of cake!

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