Friday, December 18, 2009

Sick, and not the good kind

Everyone in this house has one thing or another going on health-wise. Things have been pretty miserable here the last few days. The babies have some nasty colds going on, probably courtesy of big brother and daycare. You know the kind, the perpetual river of green ooze sliding from their nostrils. Last week Kevin was battling what I think the twins had a little bit ago, same symptoms all the way down to the double ear infection. Evan has the daycare slime too. It seems that I have some weirdo eye infection, not pink eye, but something weird and a major sinus infection. Let me tell you it's nothing but fun times going on around here.

I never told you guys, because I just found out on Tuesday (I think, stuff blurs together nowadays) and well...because I don't really update this as often as I should. Who has time for that? Anyway, a few weeks ago I had the tv on while taking care of babies when I noticed a local television show was continuing there "Lose a Ton" challenge and accepting new applications. I figured, what the hell, I could definitely stand to lose a few and there's no motivating factor like public humiliation, so I sent in my submission.

I was hoping that the uniqueness of being a new twin mommy would be a good element for the show, turns out it is! I got a call from a friend we hang out with maybe once a year, who just happens to be the dietitian for the competition. She called to say congrats because she was looking down the names on the semifinalist sheet and saw my name. This was news to me, nobody had yet contacted me, but I was super excited. A few hours later I got a call from the show's producer and she made it official. I go in on Tuesday, also Kevin's birthday, for an interview. From there they reduce the top 20 to the final 12. I'm crossing my fingers that I make the cut.

Contestants get a free gym membership and personal trainer amongst other things. Nice, right? And the winner of the whole competition gets a free trip to Mexico or something. Pretty sweet, now if Kevin only had the desire to leave the country, but we won't put that cart before the horse. Don't want to jinx anything.

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