I'd love to start keeping up with this a little more and adding pictures, something I was a little afraid to do for a while. Moms in the multiples community know that it's no secret there are more than a few crazies out there obsessed with "stealing" our lives and making them their own by taking pictures of our kids and leading others to believe they are theirs...starting their own blogs and making up stories, sometimes incredibly tragic.
I'm normally a pretty laid back person, but images of my babies have been something that I found myself abnormally protective of. I'm going to try to make a conscious effort to share my beautiful kids with the blog world...even though not too many people actually read my blog.
In order to do this, that means I'll have to start actually taking more pictures of them! I hate to admit that most days I'm busy being too busy and the camera is the last thing on my mind. Hopefully I can change and make the time to capture those wonderful memories.
On that note, I leave you with this:

I turned around one day while changing diapers to find this...Evan managed to crawl into it on his own!

And finally, Carter in the green bumbo and Brennan in the blue. Aren't they cute?
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