Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fussy McFussersons

That's what the babies have been this last week...and still are. One, if not both of them, are always crying - ALWAYS. Unless I'm holding them, but gee wouldn't that be wonderful if that's all I had to do during the day?

I'm not sure if it's their ears still, or maybe teeth that are getting closer but I have had enough. Add on top of that a two and a half year old who no longer likes going to school and playing with his friends and you've got one exhausted mama.

Evan's been crying for me in the mornings and seems so sad to be leaving that the past two days we've let him stay home with me. Kevin and I have a pretty big decision that needs to be made and I think a certain mini-someone is forcing the issue. It's so hard to get anything done with two infants in the house, but when Evan stays home with us it's even more difficult. In fact, nothing gets done and the house looks worse when Kevin gets home than what it did when he left.

I also feel terrible because Evan is pretty much parked in front of the tv all day, not good. I honestly feel like he enjoys school once he gets over the two minute crying fit that goes down when daddy drops him off. I mean, seriously...he has friends to play with, he gets to play outside, go to the school's gym, color, paint, glue stuff, read books, etc. and I have no time to do that stuff with him when he's home. It makes me so sad to think how bored he is with me and that I know he craves more attention and time, but I just don't have it. Although, maybe he really would rather be home doing a whole bunch of nothing if it means being around his mom. I don't know. But I do know that keeping him home would save us one thousand dollars a month, wouldn't that be nice?

I know there are plenty of other MoMs who have a toddler and twin infants or twin toddlers and a newborn, etc. and they make it work...I mean, I technically make it work too, but I'm constantly struggling with "what's best" for Evan - and I still don't know the answer. Is there one?

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