It kind of makes me sad to think they haven't been together much going on three weeks now. Last night was awesome though. Early in the evening their new squeaker shoes came in the mail and of course we had to see what the boys would do with them, so we put them on their feet and watched on in amazement and pure joy. They LOVED them! Squeak, squeak, squeak...all throughout the house, so cute! I joked with Kevin that we need to keep them on them all the time so we'd know where each on is, kind of like a bell ;)
Just before bed time I was in their room changing their crib sheets when they both came walking in. They immediately started up a baby version of hide and go seek and it was the.most.adorable thing I have ever seen. One would duck down behind the cabinet I keep the sheets in and then pop out causing them both to squeal with excitement and bubble up with giggles. Can you imagine the cuteness that ensued when they did this over and over again?
Evan's third birthday is tomorrow (Wednesday). For his birthday this weekend we got him a puppy. He's a 12 week old Dachshund and Evan name him "Steve Blue". Nice, no? He's the cutest little guy and ever since watching those two play together that first afternoon I haven't regretted the decision of a puppy versus an older dog one bit. They have the same energy levels and they both adore playing with each other. Simply put, we are quickly realizing you can't come between a boy and his dog.

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