Wednesday, October 27, 2010

We're a Family

We're a family - we share, that's just what we do. This week Brennan and Carter were nice enough to yet again share their sickness with me. But seriously, who could resist kisses from two of the world's cutest one year olds?

The month of October has not been kind to our family and I'm ready to move on to November. And for that matter, I'm ready for the impending holidays so that we are that much closer to Spring and welcoming warm weather. Although, it has been unseasonly warm in St. Louis this year. It's a lovely 70 degrees outside right now - but Mother Nature can't fool me, she'll blow her cold fronts in here at the drop of a hat and never look back. That's the way it is around here, this area is kind of known for it's wacky weather...tomorrow's supposed to be in the 50s. I can almost feel the cold wind and snow.

Despite that previous paragraph, I really am looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This Sunday, Evan will be dressed up as Thomas the Tank Engine, Brennan is the monkey that Evan was nearly two years ago, and Carter is the cutest little Elephant I've seen around these parts. The original plan was to have them all dressed up as circus/zoo animals since that's how we feel nowadays. I swear there's a clown creeping in my shadows playing circus music 24/7. Evan was going to be a giraffe, but out of the corner of his eyes he spied that dreadful Thomas costume.

I don't have a beef with Thomas, but this particular costume is so cheap looking. But...I'd rather have a happy Thomas than a grumpy giraffe. And consequently pictures with (hopefully) three happy kiddos. Happy Trick or Treating!

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