Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Operation: Big Boy Bed is a raging success. I really have no idea what was so different about this last round of trying to get Evan into his own bed, in his own room. Things went relatively smoothly throughout the entire process. I don't really have any complaints.

The majority of nights he doesn't even leave his room anymore. He knows that when we say it's bedtime that he needs to walk himself into his room and climb into bed. He usually has minimal fussing and quiets down once we leave his room.

Recently Kevin and I have come to a pretty big decision together regarding my "career". The twins have been non-stop sick it seems and I was missing more days of work than I was actually there. The boys were miserable, I was miserable, I felt guilty for not being able to be at work and have others fill in for me constantly, and the Goddard School location we send them to was making out like bandits during all of this.

I am no longer working, I kind of, sort of resigned. I think my boss/brother-in-law was relieved to have the opportunity to hire someone more reliable than I was am at the moment. Our daycare requires thirty days notice, and somehow it worked out that we gave them our notice just before the beginning of February. The three boys will continue there until the end of the month. I'm really, really sad about this. I know that they all love staying home with mommy. I'm super excited to go outside and play with them with the weather gets warmer. I'm looking forward to fun little field trips to the zoo or the park.

I'm terribly sad about the three of them losing their friends. Not so much for the twins, since well...(you other moms of multiples know) they always have each other. But Evan has been at Goddard since the very first day our location was in business. To say his teachers love him is quite the understatement. The teachers in the next class up always call "dibs" on him before he's even old enough to transition. They say he's a great student, always helps out, and is very nice and friendly with the other kids. It's extremely rare when they have a problem with him, and usually on those days the teachers suspect that something is up and he isn't feeling well. Seriously, they LOVE him! Miss Sarah almost teared up when she heard the news, but is happy that she has the rest of the month with him. She even mentioned keeping in contact with us because there is a big end of the year party where the kids all have a "surprise" for the parents and she didn't want him to miss it. One of the pre-K class's teachers was in Ev's class when we shared our news and she also got a little teary eyed, mentioning that she had already claimed him for the next school year.

I'm getting a little emotional right now. We are so fortunate to have the people that watch our kids really care for them and hold a special place for our boys in their hearts. Brennan & Carter's teachers are awesome too. Just this morning when we dropped them off and left the room I caught a glimpse of Miss Michelle giving B a really nice looked like a hug I would give him when I'm proud of him for doing something great. Miss Michelle and Miss Jenn have told us they were sad about losing the boys as well. We'll definitely miss all of them.

I'm spending these last few weeks at home by myself (since I'm not working and still sending the kids to daycare) getting things prepped for the fast approaching state of constant mayhem. I'm having a local company purchase and deliver the expedit bookshelf from Ikea (the closest one to us is almost 300 miles away) so I can keep most of the crafting items, toys, and any other daily necessities organized and in one place. I've already had a small, kid sized table and chairs set delivered and assembled and placed in our dining room, being subbed as a play room. Now I'm in search of a playful rug to put underneath of the table so our carpet doesn't take too much of a beating from food, paints, crayons, etc. Anyway, it's kind of nice to divert my emotions and make a really fun room to spend our days in.

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