Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It Is (Somewhat) Written

Had my weekly appointment this morning, things are still looking good. The twins are definitely starting to reside in cramped quarters, just how big I'm not sure. Dr. K didn't measure my belly this week. I'm thankful in a way, those numbers are getting scary to hear out loud.

One of the kiddos is jammed in there all kinds of weird. Both are breech at this point, but one of them is curled off to the side and over the other like a "C". The other one is straight up and down. At this point Dr. K isn't too hopeful for a natural delivery (I was beginning to come to terms with this anyway). I suppose there is still time for one to turn, though it doesn't look likely at this point.

I have also come to realize that odds are I will probably make it to 38 weeks. Yay and boo! I want them to stay in as long as possible so they can be at their healthiest and hopefully come home right away, but honestly, I'm not sure how much more I can take of this.

Another upside to making it to my 38 week c-section date: no labor! How awesome would that be? I guess that will give me something to look forward to besides healthy boys.

I go tomorrow for another growth ultrasound. I'm anxious to see how much my little stinkers weigh now. I also have biophysical profiles set up each week until I deliver, just to make sure the boys are maturing and developing as they should and without any problems or complications.

My sister-in-law threw me a sprinkle this last Saturday. It was really nice and tons more than I ever expected. I was totally envisioning just walking into Kevin's mom's basement to find tables, chairs, food, and people. She had everything looking super cute. Everyone who came was waaay generous and we received a ton of adorable and useful things.

I'm pretty sure there is no earthly way that the boys can possibly wear every single article of clothing hanging in their closet. There is quite literally not another space for even one more clothes hanger. I'm actually having to order size organizer tag thingies to separate the sizes - there is that little room - and the only sizes hanging up are Newborn to 6-9 months!

We have diapers coming out of our ears it seems, but that is definitely a good thing! I don't want to even think about how much money we will drop on these their first year of life. I really hope breastfeeding works out better this time too. I'm pretty sure the failures with Evan were some underlying medical issues and the stresses and pressure of having our first baby, all of which are under control now. Can you imagine the formula costs for twins? We were spending a ton on just one when Ev was a baby, enough for a small monthly car payment.

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