Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Make Up Your Mind Already!

Dr. K is out of town this week on vacation with her family. I thought I had an appointment today with one of her associates, Dr. L. I was wrong...the appointment is really tomorrow, but the receptionist took one look at my massive belly and asked another associate if he could see me this morning so I wouldn't have to make another trip in. Dr. J was nice enough to oblige - I really like him and remembered seeing him once in L&D when I was pregnant with Evan.

Everything looks great still. I've been having TONS of pain when I walk, get up, roll over, etc. As it turns out, the pubic bone is actually two bones and at this point when baby is head down and entering the pelvis, these bones begin to separate and move with the associating hip joint. I somewhat remember experiencing these pains with Evan, but never this bad.

Not only are there two babies in there (more weight), but it turns out that our "active" baby B has still not made up his mind. For now, he has decided to take a liking to the head down position like his brother. Yeah, that's two heads pressing down into my pelvis now - super fun!

Dr. J did an internal exam on me just to double check the pain I was feeling and followed with some words that made me excited and annoyed at the same time. "There's no change in your cervix." Hmm, don't get me wrong, I am really happy with the fact that the odds are holding strong of these boys staying in there for a while longer and I will have healthy, big, and happy babies. But, really...all this pain and no change?

Dr. J had some great words of wisdom to end the appointment with: "You are important to us, but let's be honest, those babies are what are really matters at this point!". Keep hanging in there babies, mom's pain is not in vain and it will all be worth it!

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