Thursday, June 25, 2009

Recent Happenings

Sorry (again)...I've been a crappy blogger lately. I have had a lot of nothingness going on that has kept me somewhat busy. If that makes sense.

Since I've last updated, I've had a few routine doctor appointments and two trips into Labor & Delivery. Both times the contractions were close but were eventually stopped/slowed since I was not dilating any further.

Currently, I am 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. My gut tells me these kiddos are going to hang on until the bitter end. July 6th can't get here soon enough! I think I've come to terms with having a c-section. I'm definitely not excited about it, but I know it is the best decision for my little guys. I'd hate if anything were to happen to them because I was stubborn. Dr. K is still willing to give it a try if that's what I really want, but the slight risk of it all doesn't sit well with me.

My weekly biophysicals have been going really well. They pass so easily, which makes me happy since the odds are that they will be just fine when they are born.

I want to take a quick second to say congrats to my online twin sister, Lindsay. She recently gave birth to her boy/girl duo and I can't wait to see pictures of them! I think we've become pretty close in the past few months even though we are literally states apart. We have so much in common that it's almost unbelievable. Congrats again, Lindsay!

In other news, there is a grandparent war going on in our household. Each week we get asked by Kevin's parents and my parents if they can watch Evan for the weekend. We finally put our foot down and kept him last week - considering it was Father's Day weekend and all! Anyway, both sides are sprouting some serious jealousy issues over who gets to see him more. LOL Every time I talk to my dad on the phone he has to "double-check" and ask/make sure who is actually watching Evan when we will be in the hospital with the twins.

Dad, please stop still hasn't changed. Sorry, you live an hour away and not in the direction of the hospital, not to mention you would have to take four days off of work (even though I'm sure you wouldn't mind). Kevin's parents are only 20 minutes away and the live right along the way to the hospital...and can take off from work at the drop of a hat. I regret to inform you that you will never win this one - but you are more than welcome to come and spend a few days here with mom while she is off work and helping us get adjusted to our new family/lifestyle. I'm sure Evan would love coming home from school to see his PawPaw sitting on his couch!

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