Did I ever tell the story about the hands of Jesus? I don't think I did... Kevin's family always gets together on Christmas Eve every year. This year Aunt Carol and Uncle John were hosting. They have a very lovely house, filled with very lovely things and not an inch of the place is child-proofed.
We had somehow managed to go the entire night without so much as bumping the couch cushions (even with a rousing game of tag between the older boys and Evan). Just as we were packing everything and everyone up to leave, Evan decides now's the time to really make an impression. A tantrum ensues and mid-tantrum Thomas the Tank Engine is launched across her sitting room.
Earlier that evening the ladies of the family were all oohing and aahing over Aunt Carol's beautiful ceramic religious scene, all of the big players were there. These lovely works of fine crafted art were, as it turns out, also conveniently displayed at the perfect train catching height.
I watched in slow motion as Thomas took flight, he was headed right for Jesus himself! Sure enough, Thomas lands ON Jesus and with such great force that even the Son of God could not keep his hands attached.
I see the praying hands of Jesus shoot across the room and into an unknown resting spot. Many searching eyes had great difficulty finding Jesus..'s hands. I finally spotted them in the corner and now it was time to explain to Aunt Carol what had just transpired.
She was very understanding. I offered to buy her a new one, but she declined and said he was "just being a kid". Gotta love Aunt Carol, such a kind, soft heart. Talk about an embarrassing moment in parenthood. How many people can say their kid broke Jesus? On Christmas Eve?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I'm an addict. There, I said it!
It all started innocently, in the morning rush. It was hard getting in a proper Paleo breakfast, so I relied heavily on the use of chocolate protein powder and fruit, and nuts. Sounds okay, right? That's until my trainer suggested I try putting a spoonful or two of instant coffee into my shake in the morning if I'm sleepy and dragging ass. It's safe to say this is a crutch now and I need it every day. This morning I even used the coffee maker and brewed my morning fix because, well, because I didn't have a protein shake for once. I actually had time to cook some eggs. Aren't you proud of me?
Brennan woke up early this morning and I could tell that he wasn't quite acting right. I felt his head, but couldn't really get a gauge on how hot he was because my fingers were icicles. I asked Kevin to feel him and got the "he feels fine to me" response. More not acting right. More fussing. More tears. And then just as we were about to leave Brennan pooped. While Kevin was changing him, I figured we might as well check his temperature, his behavior was sending off quiet little red flags in the back of my mind. Sure enough, his temp was right at 100. So I'm home with an ill little B-bear today.
I'm enjoying the snuggles and responsibility of just one baby. It's so easy, even when he's sick. In fact "I laugh at your one baby". Okay, that's just something the MoMs on our message board used to say, but it's kind of true. I guess the trip MoMs laugh at our two babies, but I digress. There's always someone out there who has it more difficult, so I don't really like to complain too much in real life.
I'm just glad they aren't all three home with me today with the yucks. I'd probably be pulling my hair out about now and dreaming of doping them up with Benadryl. By the way, that was a joke, we don't even have any in the house, so you can hang up that phone you have in your hand about to dial CPS. ;)
Brennan woke up early this morning and I could tell that he wasn't quite acting right. I felt his head, but couldn't really get a gauge on how hot he was because my fingers were icicles. I asked Kevin to feel him and got the "he feels fine to me" response. More not acting right. More fussing. More tears. And then just as we were about to leave Brennan pooped. While Kevin was changing him, I figured we might as well check his temperature, his behavior was sending off quiet little red flags in the back of my mind. Sure enough, his temp was right at 100. So I'm home with an ill little B-bear today.
I'm enjoying the snuggles and responsibility of just one baby. It's so easy, even when he's sick. In fact "I laugh at your one baby". Okay, that's just something the MoMs on our message board used to say, but it's kind of true. I guess the trip MoMs laugh at our two babies, but I digress. There's always someone out there who has it more difficult, so I don't really like to complain too much in real life.
I'm just glad they aren't all three home with me today with the yucks. I'd probably be pulling my hair out about now and dreaming of doping them up with Benadryl. By the way, that was a joke, we don't even have any in the house, so you can hang up that phone you have in your hand about to dial CPS. ;)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Oh, Monday
Today was busy! I woke up at 6 a.m. to squeeze in a shower and throw in some laundry. After I was finished the babies were up, so I threw on some clothes and started the usual routine. I think I'll start getting them ready on my "day off", also known as Mondays, using the same schedule we do on work days. It ended up really nice having Kevin help get everyone up and dressed for the day so I wasn't rushed for my morning gym appointment.
Today I set another personal record, I dead-lifted 140 lbs! I keep moving up, and I love that feeling of accomplishment and growth! I took Jordan's advice and got some Chuck Taylor-esque shoes (after his second time suggesting it) that have flatter soles. He said to ditch the running shoes, so I did, and I'm finding the weight lifting much easier to do now that my body's balanced and not literally on my tip-toes. So much easier to "push through the heels", which actually makes the weight feel a little lighter.
The boys had their one year well baby visit today. I had to take Evan in with me, so you can imagine the chaos of two walking little ones and one rambunctious bigger one. It was total madness in that exam room! I can only imagine what it sounded like to people passing by. I felt like I was going to implode at any given minute. We all survived, but not without the littles in tears from their two shots (each). They both have some great stats for twins, who are usually on the smaller side even if they were born term. Brennan measured in at 21 pounds, 10 ounces, which is the 26.62 percentile, and 30.5 inches long, 65.55 percentile. Carter is 22 pounds, 3 ounces, the 34.87 percentile, and 31 inches long, putting him at 78.53%. Evan was always about 50th for weight and 90th for height, though recently he's slowed down and moved down on the charts.
There was also a trip to Target thrown in after the gym. Talk about an exhausting day! I definitely work a lot harder staying at home with the boys than a day at the office.
Today I set another personal record, I dead-lifted 140 lbs! I keep moving up, and I love that feeling of accomplishment and growth! I took Jordan's advice and got some Chuck Taylor-esque shoes (after his second time suggesting it) that have flatter soles. He said to ditch the running shoes, so I did, and I'm finding the weight lifting much easier to do now that my body's balanced and not literally on my tip-toes. So much easier to "push through the heels", which actually makes the weight feel a little lighter.
The boys had their one year well baby visit today. I had to take Evan in with me, so you can imagine the chaos of two walking little ones and one rambunctious bigger one. It was total madness in that exam room! I can only imagine what it sounded like to people passing by. I felt like I was going to implode at any given minute. We all survived, but not without the littles in tears from their two shots (each). They both have some great stats for twins, who are usually on the smaller side even if they were born term. Brennan measured in at 21 pounds, 10 ounces, which is the 26.62 percentile, and 30.5 inches long, 65.55 percentile. Carter is 22 pounds, 3 ounces, the 34.87 percentile, and 31 inches long, putting him at 78.53%. Evan was always about 50th for weight and 90th for height, though recently he's slowed down and moved down on the charts.
There was also a trip to Target thrown in after the gym. Talk about an exhausting day! I definitely work a lot harder staying at home with the boys than a day at the office.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
These past two weeks have been pretty stressful for me. I started back at work and have been tired from that, trying to keep up with the gym and eating right while I'm at work, and also my dad had another cancer scare. He had went to his regular doctor for his yearly check up/physical and found out that his prostate had doubled in size the past year. Normally this isn't too great of a cause for concern, although it is still a marker that something could have been wrong, but coupled with his cancer history the doctor was extremely worried.
I cried myself to sleep for nights on end after hearing the news. My mom had done research and found that patients with CLL (chronic lymphatic leukemia) that also have prostate cancer usually have a survival rate of less than five years. I was devastated and sent up many prayers that everything would be okay.
I was to the point where I wanted to know, but I didn't want to know so that if his test did come back positive I could be in denial and pretend like it didn't happen for a few days more. I don't like talking to Dad about this stuff because I know it upsets him, so I waited for the right timing when I called down to speak with Mom about it.
I finally gathered up the courage to ask a few nights ago when I called them back after getting a message from Dad checking to see how his grandkids were(she sounded like she was in a good mood). Negative! I have NEVER been so relieved in my life! Even when the cancer diagnosis was new and the doctors were still trying to figure out exactly what kind he had; there was a strong possibility that Dad's cancer was an insanely fast progressing kind that would give him very little time with us.
Kevin's mom has the same kind of cancer as Dad (CLL) and she has had it for a few years now. They caught hers really early too and she has yet to need treatment because it is spreading so slowly. I hope my dad's in the same boat. When we first found out, his doctor told him that his goal should be to live long enough with the cancer to pass away from something else...old age, car accident, whatever. I pray every night he's with us for many years to come and that this evil disease doesn't get the best of him.
I cried myself to sleep for nights on end after hearing the news. My mom had done research and found that patients with CLL (chronic lymphatic leukemia) that also have prostate cancer usually have a survival rate of less than five years. I was devastated and sent up many prayers that everything would be okay.
I was to the point where I wanted to know, but I didn't want to know so that if his test did come back positive I could be in denial and pretend like it didn't happen for a few days more. I don't like talking to Dad about this stuff because I know it upsets him, so I waited for the right timing when I called down to speak with Mom about it.
I finally gathered up the courage to ask a few nights ago when I called them back after getting a message from Dad checking to see how his grandkids were(she sounded like she was in a good mood). Negative! I have NEVER been so relieved in my life! Even when the cancer diagnosis was new and the doctors were still trying to figure out exactly what kind he had; there was a strong possibility that Dad's cancer was an insanely fast progressing kind that would give him very little time with us.
Kevin's mom has the same kind of cancer as Dad (CLL) and she has had it for a few years now. They caught hers really early too and she has yet to need treatment because it is spreading so slowly. I hope my dad's in the same boat. When we first found out, his doctor told him that his goal should be to live long enough with the cancer to pass away from something else...old age, car accident, whatever. I pray every night he's with us for many years to come and that this evil disease doesn't get the best of him.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Aaaaand we have a breakthrough!
Today started out rough. The boys woke up at around 5:30 so I got very little sleep. Thankfully it was a day I don't go into work. However, that means I have all three boys with me on my own. I was scheduled for a session with Jordan at 11, our normal time, but now that I have to take all of them in with me and not just the babies it literally takes up my whole morning just getting us all ready to get out the door. Today I was too tired to even think about doing all of that, so I canceled, camped out, and set up fort here at home.
The babies have been so moody and fussy lately, and Evan's harsh hands don't help the situation. Today the brawls were out of control and we had constant crying in the house. I couldn't shake the thought of something being wrong when it came to their health, so we had an impromptu meeting with Dr. Y today. She said they have a cold, but said that in her professional opinion their hysterics are probably due to the major changes we've put them through the past few weeks.
Since my day was particularly difficult, I called Kevin around lunch time and had a heart-to-heart with him about how I feel like when it comes to the babies I do 99% of the work and that I just couldn't keep up with it all anymore. I think he finally understood where I was coming from and later when I called to see if he could leave work a little early to come and sit with Evan while I took Brennan and Carter to the pediatrician. When he got home he hopped in the van and said it would be easier on me if we all went so that I wasn't dealing with two angry, fussy babies on my own. After we got home, he cleaned the kitchen and told me to take a break - and was dead serious.
He took the folding table and chairs out of our breakfast area and dining room that has been there since the week before the boys' birthday party and brought our dining room table back in, but put it in the kitchen instead. Our old kitchen table only had four chairs and isn't big enough for the whole family now. We took the highchairs out to the garage and set the booster seats up on the chairs and pulled them up to the table.
I cooked dinner and everyone ate together at the kitchen table and the four boys (daddy included) had fun keeping busy while the food was cooking. Evan even played nicely with the babies and brought them toys without us asking him to. He even picked up the sippy cups the boys were throwing to the ground every five seconds. Evan ate some dinner(!) with a little coaxing and the boys chowed down. I cleaned up the kids, chairs, and tables while daddy did the dinner dishes. After that we all played together and had tons and tons of giggles and laughs before putting Brennan and Carter to bed for the night.
I hope things continue to be this good! What a great evening, the stuff you dream about your life being when you have kids. :)
The babies have been so moody and fussy lately, and Evan's harsh hands don't help the situation. Today the brawls were out of control and we had constant crying in the house. I couldn't shake the thought of something being wrong when it came to their health, so we had an impromptu meeting with Dr. Y today. She said they have a cold, but said that in her professional opinion their hysterics are probably due to the major changes we've put them through the past few weeks.
Since my day was particularly difficult, I called Kevin around lunch time and had a heart-to-heart with him about how I feel like when it comes to the babies I do 99% of the work and that I just couldn't keep up with it all anymore. I think he finally understood where I was coming from and later when I called to see if he could leave work a little early to come and sit with Evan while I took Brennan and Carter to the pediatrician. When he got home he hopped in the van and said it would be easier on me if we all went so that I wasn't dealing with two angry, fussy babies on my own. After we got home, he cleaned the kitchen and told me to take a break - and was dead serious.
He took the folding table and chairs out of our breakfast area and dining room that has been there since the week before the boys' birthday party and brought our dining room table back in, but put it in the kitchen instead. Our old kitchen table only had four chairs and isn't big enough for the whole family now. We took the highchairs out to the garage and set the booster seats up on the chairs and pulled them up to the table.
I cooked dinner and everyone ate together at the kitchen table and the four boys (daddy included) had fun keeping busy while the food was cooking. Evan even played nicely with the babies and brought them toys without us asking him to. He even picked up the sippy cups the boys were throwing to the ground every five seconds. Evan ate some dinner(!) with a little coaxing and the boys chowed down. I cleaned up the kids, chairs, and tables while daddy did the dinner dishes. After that we all played together and had tons and tons of giggles and laughs before putting Brennan and Carter to bed for the night.
I hope things continue to be this good! What a great evening, the stuff you dream about your life being when you have kids. :)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Mom's day off!
Originally, I was supposed to start work this last Tuesday, but the powers that be were still finishing up some loose ends so I was told I'd start on Wednesday instead. We had already given daycare the green light on starting the babies on Tuesday so I had a day all to myself yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed doing absolutely nothing but goofing off online and making a trip out for a manicure and pedicure. The house is a pigsty and really needed to be cleaned, but I was sure to give Kevin advanced notice that the odds of it being picked up when he got home were not in his favor. He actually didn't have a problem with it and knew I really needed a day to myself.
The babies did really well for their first day of "school". The only hiccup the teachers ran into during the day was when they woke up from nap time - I think they freaked out a little when they realized they were on cots and not in a crib. Both boys are little piggies and ate more than Evan did at lunch and they seem to be playing better with each other and every one else than they do when they're at home. I'd call that a successful first day!
Those loose ends at work are still dangling around, but supposedly they are being taken care of and I'll start tomorrow. So here I sit, still doing nothing and the house is still a mess. I guess I know what my plans are this afternoon. I also have my first evening session with Jordan tonight, so we'll see how my body handles a later time frame. I'm a little scared, the gym is pretty crowded during those hours and I'm used to working out when it's practically empty. I hope people don't mind hearing me cry, scream, and complain!
The babies did really well for their first day of "school". The only hiccup the teachers ran into during the day was when they woke up from nap time - I think they freaked out a little when they realized they were on cots and not in a crib. Both boys are little piggies and ate more than Evan did at lunch and they seem to be playing better with each other and every one else than they do when they're at home. I'd call that a successful first day!
Those loose ends at work are still dangling around, but supposedly they are being taken care of and I'll start tomorrow. So here I sit, still doing nothing and the house is still a mess. I guess I know what my plans are this afternoon. I also have my first evening session with Jordan tonight, so we'll see how my body handles a later time frame. I'm a little scared, the gym is pretty crowded during those hours and I'm used to working out when it's practically empty. I hope people don't mind hearing me cry, scream, and complain!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Is it me?
Seriously though, these last few days have been rough and I honestly can't tell if it's things I've said/done, if it's the other people not hearing or understanding what I'm trying to say (which also could mean that I'm not communicating my thoughts well), or a combination of them both. But enough's enough already. I try not to piss anyone off and by doing so end up pissing people off. Aaagh. I'm so frustrated.
Kevin put the remaining two cozy coupes together tonight so tomorrow should be fun for the boys, as long as it isn't too hot to go outside. I feel like shutting myself away for a while to enjoy the last day or two I have with them before going back to work.
Kevin put the remaining two cozy coupes together tonight so tomorrow should be fun for the boys, as long as it isn't too hot to go outside. I feel like shutting myself away for a while to enjoy the last day or two I have with them before going back to work.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Birthday Party Pics
Just a few pics from their party...I finally uploaded them from my camera today. I'm really sad we didn't get any more than the few we got. Kevin and I were both so busy we completely forgot to get the camera out until it was time to give them their cakes. I didn't even realize it until my mom pointed it out tonight, but we didn't even sing them "Happy Birthday"! I didn't get any of the few decorations I did and hardly any of the guests...not even any good ones of the boys in their Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts. I was all over the place and way too busy to even think about it.
Without further ado...

Without further ado...
Birthday Babies!
It's official, today the boys are one year old! What a year! We had their party on the third and it went pretty well. The boys loved their cakes, Brennan especially - he had it everywhere and the whole cake was almost gone by the time we took it from him.
This morning luck was with me and I happened to look at the clock right at the exact minute Brennan was born. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him Happy Birthday. A minute later I did the same for Carter.
The boys are getting pretty close to walking more and more. They take steps in a row by themselves and can get a few feet without help, but then they lose balance and topple over. I think we'll have full-time walkers pretty soon.
Evan's home with me again today. We let my mom and dad borrow the car seat out of Kevin's truck so he could spend the night with them last Friday. When we left their house yesterday we forgot to grab it and it's such a pain to take Evan's seat out of the van since you pretty much have to take one of the babies' seats out to get to it. So he's here sitting next to me on the couch playing with his Elmo doll.
These days at home are coming to an end and I'll be returning to work in the very near future. I wasn't quite prepared when my father-in-law came to us to inquire about me coming back as soon as possible. I don't really want to get into details, but I had finally submitted to what I thought was going to be my future for the next 4 or 5 years: being a stay-at-home mom until they were all in school, so it took me a few days for this to really sink in. Daycare is just so expensive, but it looks like we'll be forking over some serious dough and making things work.
My diet went in the crapper this weekend and I gained a pound back from eating crap. The sad part is, it wasn't even worth it because eating junk makes me feel so gross now that my body isn't used to it anymore. Hopefully I'll see the scale go back down tomorrow morning. Now some good news, at my last workout I dead lifted 135 pounds - it felt pretty awesome to see two of the big 45 lb weights being added to the bar instead a bunch of the smaller weights.
This morning luck was with me and I happened to look at the clock right at the exact minute Brennan was born. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him Happy Birthday. A minute later I did the same for Carter.
The boys are getting pretty close to walking more and more. They take steps in a row by themselves and can get a few feet without help, but then they lose balance and topple over. I think we'll have full-time walkers pretty soon.
Evan's home with me again today. We let my mom and dad borrow the car seat out of Kevin's truck so he could spend the night with them last Friday. When we left their house yesterday we forgot to grab it and it's such a pain to take Evan's seat out of the van since you pretty much have to take one of the babies' seats out to get to it. So he's here sitting next to me on the couch playing with his Elmo doll.
These days at home are coming to an end and I'll be returning to work in the very near future. I wasn't quite prepared when my father-in-law came to us to inquire about me coming back as soon as possible. I don't really want to get into details, but I had finally submitted to what I thought was going to be my future for the next 4 or 5 years: being a stay-at-home mom until they were all in school, so it took me a few days for this to really sink in. Daycare is just so expensive, but it looks like we'll be forking over some serious dough and making things work.
My diet went in the crapper this weekend and I gained a pound back from eating crap. The sad part is, it wasn't even worth it because eating junk makes me feel so gross now that my body isn't used to it anymore. Hopefully I'll see the scale go back down tomorrow morning. Now some good news, at my last workout I dead lifted 135 pounds - it felt pretty awesome to see two of the big 45 lb weights being added to the bar instead a bunch of the smaller weights.
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