Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh, Monday

Today was busy! I woke up at 6 a.m. to squeeze in a shower and throw in some laundry. After I was finished the babies were up, so I threw on some clothes and started the usual routine. I think I'll start getting them ready on my "day off", also known as Mondays, using the same schedule we do on work days. It ended up really nice having Kevin help get everyone up and dressed for the day so I wasn't rushed for my morning gym appointment.

Today I set another personal record, I dead-lifted 140 lbs! I keep moving up, and I love that feeling of accomplishment and growth! I took Jordan's advice and got some Chuck Taylor-esque shoes (after his second time suggesting it) that have flatter soles. He said to ditch the running shoes, so I did, and I'm finding the weight lifting much easier to do now that my body's balanced and not literally on my tip-toes. So much easier to "push through the heels", which actually makes the weight feel a little lighter.

The boys had their one year well baby visit today. I had to take Evan in with me, so you can imagine the chaos of two walking little ones and one rambunctious bigger one. It was total madness in that exam room! I can only imagine what it sounded like to people passing by. I felt like I was going to implode at any given minute. We all survived, but not without the littles in tears from their two shots (each). They both have some great stats for twins, who are usually on the smaller side even if they were born term. Brennan measured in at 21 pounds, 10 ounces, which is the 26.62 percentile, and 30.5 inches long, 65.55 percentile. Carter is 22 pounds, 3 ounces, the 34.87 percentile, and 31 inches long, putting him at 78.53%. Evan was always about 50th for weight and 90th for height, though recently he's slowed down and moved down on the charts.

There was also a trip to Target thrown in after the gym. Talk about an exhausting day! I definitely work a lot harder staying at home with the boys than a day at the office.

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