Saturday, July 24, 2010


These past two weeks have been pretty stressful for me. I started back at work and have been tired from that, trying to keep up with the gym and eating right while I'm at work, and also my dad had another cancer scare. He had went to his regular doctor for his yearly check up/physical and found out that his prostate had doubled in size the past year. Normally this isn't too great of a cause for concern, although it is still a marker that something could have been wrong, but coupled with his cancer history the doctor was extremely worried.

I cried myself to sleep for nights on end after hearing the news. My mom had done research and found that patients with CLL (chronic lymphatic leukemia) that also have prostate cancer usually have a survival rate of less than five years. I was devastated and sent up many prayers that everything would be okay.

I was to the point where I wanted to know, but I didn't want to know so that if his test did come back positive I could be in denial and pretend like it didn't happen for a few days more. I don't like talking to Dad about this stuff because I know it upsets him, so I waited for the right timing when I called down to speak with Mom about it.

I finally gathered up the courage to ask a few nights ago when I called them back after getting a message from Dad checking to see how his grandkids were(she sounded like she was in a good mood). Negative! I have NEVER been so relieved in my life! Even when the cancer diagnosis was new and the doctors were still trying to figure out exactly what kind he had; there was a strong possibility that Dad's cancer was an insanely fast progressing kind that would give him very little time with us.

Kevin's mom has the same kind of cancer as Dad (CLL) and she has had it for a few years now. They caught hers really early too and she has yet to need treatment because it is spreading so slowly. I hope my dad's in the same boat. When we first found out, his doctor told him that his goal should be to live long enough with the cancer to pass away from something else...old age, car accident, whatever. I pray every night he's with us for many years to come and that this evil disease doesn't get the best of him.

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