Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Voodoo? A Curse?

What is going on in this house? It's the million dollar question that I'd really, really like answered. Brennan came down with croup last Thursday night. I took him to the doctor Friday afternoon to get him some steroids. Dr. Y is nice and understanding enough to know that Carter will follow closely behind and gave us more meds than B needed so that C would be covered too. Carter got his first dose Sunday night when his croupy cough began. They've both had fevers since Saturday and neither Motrin nor Tylenol can get them to break.

Last night we started Operation: Evan's Room. He's been sleeping in our bed for almost a year now. Don't ask how that happened, it boils down to being crappy parents, Evan's anxiety, and his abilities to play us like a fiddle. We went to see Dr. Y about this Monday.

I guess the majority of this turn around is in my hands since I"m the stricter parent between the two of us. Last night was the first night and I was digging myself a foxhole and preparing for the worst. Which turned out to be not bad at all. Ev whimpered a little and began to cry when it was time to drop the bomb, but I was firm and I think he understood for once that Mom meant business. Plus, it helped that I turned his doorknob around yesterday to where it locks from the outside - and he sat there and watched me do it and seemed to get the severity of what was happening.

He went down without a fight. Are you shocked, because I was. Talk about that kid throwing me for an awesome "holy cow, this can't be real" loop! All night I was expected something to go completely awry, and it never did. He made his way into the doorway of our room three times though. Never made a sound, Kevin or I would wake up and notice him standing there. Kind of creepy. But, I would get up and walk him back to his room where he'd lay his head back on the pillow without a protest.

Hopefully tonight goes just as well as last night. But, I'm going to err on the side of caution and Murphy's Law and not count my chickens before they hatch (enough cliches for you?)

Maybe things are starting to turn around for us? I'm really not sure why the twins keep getting sick, and everyone else around here for that matter. But I hope we've paid our dues and are back on the track to healthy living soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Non-Update Update

What's new you ask? Nothing and everything. More sick kids, but I think that's just a given now. A couple of weeks ago that nasty stomach bug that's been sweeping the country hit our house. We all succumbed to it one by one like a game of dominoes personified. Then things got better. I went back to work, the boys returned to daycare, I had surgery to get my adenoids removed, I WENT BACK TO THE GYM(!), the house got cleaned, the Mt. Everest sized pile of laundry was tackled, did I mention that I went back to the gym?

I was so excited to make my grand re-entrance into my little world of health and fitness after 3 months of doing nothing but surviving one ill kid after another. It was my grand scheme to do a few one-on-one sessions with Jordan first to get me back up to a level where I could keep up with the class. That first workout back was rough, but I suffered through it and it felt wonderful. I was in pain for the next three days, but it was that glorious pain of knowing you did something fulfilling for yourself. And then the dominoes started falling again.

Brennan wasn't sleeping well for two nights and both twins had fevers. Kevin came home from work on Monday with an ear infection, the flu, and something else that he couldn't remember (sounds about right...) Then Evan started with the diarrhea and the twins followed suit shortly after. I was the only one still standing unscathed. I knew better. I knew it was coming, but for three days I single handedly cared for every member of our family. Changed every diaper, fed every meal, you get the picture. Kevin pretty much stayed in bed and slept. On Wednesday I started to feel it, the flu had definitely taken hold of me.

At this point Kevin had to buck up and deal with the crappy hand that had been dealt and take on the role of Mr. Mom. He did pretty good. Everyone survived, but I think the kids have now seen every episode of Yo Gabba Gabba available On Demand and on our DVR about 10 times now.

Thursday morning I felt the digestive pyrotechnic show starting to spark so I tried to quickly make my way to the bathroom. I remember thinking to myself that I was really lightheaded. And then I found myself on the floor near the shower screaming in shock and pain. I fell on my tailbone. I went to get it checked out later that night and thankfully it isn't broken, but I did jam it badly. Actually, I'm permanently disfigured now. The very tip of my tailbone has an extreme curve, almost 90 degrees. Ouch. My consolation prize? A prescription for percocet and an awesome doughnut pillow. Yeah, the ones you see old people with. I laugh at it, but it has totally been a lifesaver and I'm sure it will further prove itself to me when I'm at the office sitting in a chair for 8 hours a day. I hope the pain dwindles soon, otherwise I'm not so sure when I'll make it back to the gym.