Thursday, June 24, 2010


So we quickly figured out that the babies' problems this weekend with the lack of sleeping was due to a virus. They had diarrhea while we were down there, but I honestly thought it was from my parents feeding them nothing but fruit all day long. Hellooooo fiber! But it turns out that was not the case.

Evan ended up catching it as well. Yesterday morning he woke up and said his butt hurt. I thought he was just constipated, but a minute later figured out I was wrong. This horrible smell quickly filled the room and I checked his pull up (thankfully he wasn't in underwear since it was right after he woke up!) It was like poo soup had flooded his pants. I took him into the bathroom, and once again, thankfully there was no dripping or leaking because we had just had the carpets cleaned the day before! As soon as I opened up the side of his pull up it was like the levee broke. It was everywhere! Even on my pajama pants. Sorry for the grossness if you're still reading!

I got him cleaned up and a new pull up on, there was NO WAY we were going to chance it with underwear. Daddy left and called school on the way out to tell them Ev wouldn't be there. Ten minutes later, as he was laying with me in bed and watching Dora, he puked all over my mattress and blankets.

The rest of the day went okay, but just as I was thinking he'd get to go to school tomorrow (they have a 24 hour rule), he had another bout of diarrhea. He's here with me again today and seems to be doing just fine.

I however am not doing so well on the workouts this week because of this stupid virus. I missed my session on Monday and Jordan was kind enough to reschedule me for Wednesday...and then Evan got sick. So now it will have been a whole week since my last workout when I go back tomorrow. It's going to suck so bad!

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