Monday, June 7, 2010

What a day!

So as if my day wasn't wonderful enough (see last post) actually gets a little better, with a small wrench thrown in there. Bad news first: we are in the middle of a hair pulling crisis. Carter has a problem; he loves to pull Brennan's hair...and bounce while he's pulling it. Brennan cries every.single.time, poor little guy. So a lot of my day is spent pulling two babies apart and as soon as I separate them they are right there back together again and going at it.

I'm really at a loss with what to do. You can't discipline him at this age, they aren't even a year old yet. There's no way he knows that what he's doing is wrong. I redirect and redirect but no matter what the behavior still continues. I firmly tell him no and shake my head. So what does he do? He gets a huge smile on his face and shakes his head back at me. The thing is, that when you redirect him and pull his hands away, they literally go right back up to Brennan's head as soon as you let go of his hands. Over and over and over. I'm so tired of it all.

And now the good news: Evan has been doing pretty well at potty training on those rare occurrences that we try with him. He stayed home with me one day last week, so I decided to put him in some big boy underwear. He only had two accidents the whole day. One was a poop, which he has never done successfully on the potty, so no surprise there. And the second time was Dad's fault - he wasn't paying attention and I was in the kitchen fixing dinner.

Tonight after Evan got home from school I put him in some big boy underwear again. Even though he was protesting against them and practically begging for a diaper. So onward with the underwear we went and soon after he was telling us he needed to use the potty. I took him into the bathroom and sat him down. He peed on the potty, so we did a round of high-fives and hugs, washed up, and went into the kitchen to get his "special treat".

A few minutes later he had that look on his face, so Daddy rushed him into the bathroom again. After a little coaxing, he actually pooped on the potty for the first time. We are so proud of him, our little boy is growing up! :)

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