Thursday, May 24, 2012

At the Risk of Sounding Like Someone I Know

The day after my last post I made, my tonsil pain started flaring up again. It's looking more like this can be blamed on the gluten as well. Google search results (because they are just reliable as a visit to the doctor, right? Right? ;) )with the words "tonsil" and "gluten" are numerous. The tonsil inflammation and pain lasted a few days, but yesterday I noticed it had completely subsided. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus. I had been battling it off and on for nearly two months. Hopefully it stays far away. Before when I went paleo I would give myself one cheat meal a week, and it always contained gluten. Always. I did it so I "wouldn't feel deprived". When I had those meals the only real side effects I felt were bloating and brain fog. But it was always in my system, I suppose, since it can take up to two weeks for your body to get rid of it. I've had a recent love affair with a jar of chocolate almond spread from Trader Joe's. Thankfully we finished the jar off yesterday. I won't be buying that again any time soon. It was delicious, oh so delicious, but I don't want to be planning my days around when my next spoonful will come. And the sugar content was a wee bit over the top.

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